By the way
We are all concerned
One day that we hope is near, the cities will have clean buildings, our children's lungs will be clean, the waters of our rivers will be clean, our atmosphere will be clean.
No more black deposits, fuel combustion residues, coal, or toxic industrial gas fumes.
When the majority, and one day all the inhabitants of the Earth, are supplied with energy from non-polluting sources, it will be the culmination of our dreams of a bright future for humanity.
This, of course, requires the actions of our leaders and institutions, but nothing will be achieved perfectly without the active support of all of us.
Our mission
H2Sol was created to promote the development of clean energy sources in general; solar and hydrogen in particular.
Our strategy aims to convince financial authorities to invest in the renewable energy sector for reasons of profitability of green subsidiaries. Indeed, we are convinced that the humanitarian and virtuous aspect of the policy of preserving our planet is unfortunately not a sufficient engine to develop the sector. It is also by working to demonstrate exceptional profitability that we will be able to combat the inertia of fossil and polluting energy enthusiasts.
Our mission will be to transform every end-user of the installations into a natural advocate for the preservation of a healthy nature: Hydrogen, Hydraulic and Solar… H2Sol.
HISTORY Values and Vision
In 1981, already active for the environment, our first customers, environmental activists whose farm in Ardèche we equipped with solar thermal and photovoltaic panels, hydroelectric turbine, and wind turbine, were fighting against the administration to get rid of the official electricity operator. One of the couples was also fighting against administrative dogmas, such as the choice of first names, at the time it was a question of naming their little girl "Flower", a request refused by the administration. Today everyone is free to choose the first name they like, but unfortunately no one is free to breathe healthy air.
Come meet us at the ANNUAL REUNION on March 15, 2020 in Paris at the Palais des Congrès.
Email information to contact@h2sol.fr

Wind power
The powerful wind source of energy since antiquity, has been exploited by humanity who thanks to it has made sailboats sail, turn mills…

solar power
For more than five billion years our sun bathes the earth of its rays, the biosphere owes its existence .

Each house, should produce its own energy needs which starts with good insulation and ends with the optimization of the cycle.

the fairy electricity
It is called the fairy, humanity has tamed it, the terrible flashes of Thor are captured preserved cultivated and put at the service of humans.

storage ?
Chemical? Yes it is still often the case, but we try to promote hydraulic and hydrogen storage, that's why our name is H2SOL

fuel cell
It is finally there, the 100% clean electric vehicle. These are hydrogen cars, the fuel cell produces electrical current and only releases water vapour, yes H2SOL!


Christophe Guychard

D.R.H. Bénévole